Operating Systems 1 Lab 2 – DOS Commands
The 'dir' command in cmd allows you to see the available files and folders in the current directory that you're in at the moment, as well as the last time a particular date and time the particular file/folder has been modified, additionally you can also see the size of the file.
The 'dir /s' command displays all the files in the current directory, but also in all of the subdirectories, this command can take quite long to finish if your current directory is the C: drive.
The 'dir /t' command will display the specified time field of your choosing.
'dir /tw' willl display the last modified time of the file.
'dir /ta' will display the last accessed time of the file.
'dir /tc' will display the time the file was created.
The 'help' command will display a list of commands that you can use in can you need help, somewhat of a cmd manual that is in-built.
The 'cls' command stands for clear screen. It will do exactly what it says, clear the screen from all the text.
The 'path' command will display a path for executable files.
The 'cd ..' command will change the current path you are in, the '..' part will make you change the directory going up. When you read the C: drive you have reached the end.
The 'tree' command will graphically display the path of the current directory and also the sub-directories starting from the specific location that you are in.
The 'dir /s' command displays all the files in the current directory, but also in all of the subdirectories, this command can take quite long to finish if your current directory is the C: drive.
The 'dir /t' command will display the specified time field of your choosing.
'dir /tw' willl display the last modified time of the file.
'dir /ta' will display the last accessed time of the file.
'dir /tc' will display the time the file was created.
The 'help' command will display a list of commands that you can use in can you need help, somewhat of a cmd manual that is in-built.
The 'cls' command stands for clear screen. It will do exactly what it says, clear the screen from all the text.
The 'path' command will display a path for executable files.
The 'cd ..' command will change the current path you are in, the '..' part will make you change the directory going up. When you read the C: drive you have reached the end.
The 'tree' command will graphically display the path of the current directory and also the sub-directories starting from the specific location that you are in.
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